Format:TThese are the pictures you have imported: review them before going to the next page.Ready to compress files.─You are going to compress pictures into an archive. Choose the format that fits your needs (remember: while ZIP is widely spread, 7z has higher compression ratio and CAB is good for storage only).zThis picture has been modified. Do you want to update the picture file? If you will answer "NO" you will lose all changes.
Source: %sPictures: %sLow quality, small filesBest quality, large filesAdd "ReadMe.txt" fileWrite the "ReadMe.txt" file:.EXE (Make slideshow)Slideshow ready.Slideshow not created.Import pictures from a &folder╫The project name will identify the group of picture you are going to import.. It will appear also in every picture file that will be stored and it will be the default title of the slideshow you might want to create.